Thank you to all of you who have signed the petition and shared it with friends - WE'VE WON!!! When I first heard about this story and added my voice to the issue, there were just under 1500 people standing together. As I write this update, this petition has gone viral and is now over 58,000 voices strong!! Yep, that's right, I said over 58,000 and still growing every second! What amazing things we can accomplish together.
As I had mentioned in the original post, the Animal Control Advisory Board was meeting Monday evening. After being overwhelmed with tens of thousands of emails and hearing testimony from trainers, bully breed owners and rescuers the Board moved to dismiss the 72-hour kill plan in favor of better vetting of potential adoptive families. For coverage of the meeting, please read
Gregory Phillip's story for the FayObserver.
While this win is incredible, there is, however, one point that I would like to make. Last year, this shelter took in 7,112 dogs - 3,196 never left. And while this 73% euthanasia is beyond staggering, this is sadly not even remotely anomalous.
I would just like to leave everyone with one thought - look at what you have all accomplished here in just two short days and all it took was a minute of your time. Just think of all the amazing change you can bring if you give a minute or two every day. Sign a petition, help get corporate funding to provide low/no-cost spaying and neutering in your area, tell friends who are looking to add little furry ones to their families why adopting from a shelter is so important or visit dogs in the shelter and show them that they matter to someone. The list is endless. The point is - do something.
"Be the change you want to see in the world. " Mahatma Gandhi
In the world of animal welfare, BSL just might be the most despised word imaginable. BSL (Breed Specific Legislation) are laws or ordinances enacted by governing bodies that pertain only to specific breed types. Most notable lately have been the laws targeting pit bulls ranging from rules stating that they must be muzzled whenever they are out in public to families with pitbull family members being unable to find homes and apartments to rent to the complete ban on pit bulls being allowed in particular cities, states and provinces. These laws are based on wildly and grossly inaccurate presumptions and stereotypes and result solely in the mass discrimination and murder of animals. It completely ignores the fact and fails to hold accountable the irresponsible guardians who beat, abuse, neglect, etc the animals who tragically end up in bad situations. If we humans were to follow that same logic, it would be the like saying that since a person named Jason was just responsible for a crime, all Jasons in the state must be rounded up and put them in jail. Pretty ridiculous isn't it? Well, enough of the background, let's get to the matter at hand.
Cumberland County Animal Control is planning to enact a 72-hour kill plan any day now with a hearing being held tonight, Monday, December 5th. If this plan goes into effect, all Dobermans, Rottweilers, Chows, German Shepherds, Great Danes, Pit Bulls, Mastiffs, Akitas and Huskies that are picked up as strays will be held for the mandatory 72 hours and then immediately euthanized. They will NOT be given any opportunity to be adopted. If any of the above breeds are brought in as an owner-surrender, they will immediately be taken back and euthanized. That means dogs like my Bella (below) would not even stand a chance.
Bella, a rescue from a South Florida shelter, would not even be given the chance to be adopted at Cumberland County Animal Control if the 72-hour Kill Plan goes in to effect. |
This proposed regulation comes about because Cumberland County does not want to be held liable for these breeds which could be rectified with a simple liability waiver instead of the mass extermination of dogs.
Please take just a moment to Stand Up! and let Cumberland County know that this proposition is not acceptable and that discrimination and mass extermination is misguided and wrong.
Click here to sign the petition.
All the wonderful dogs of Cumberland County thank you for being their voice!